It turns out many studies use hydrogenated Coconut Oil along with other unhealthy, cholesterol-inducing ingredients in their diet in order to induce heart disease in guinea pigs for further research. This means that it is not easily digested by the body and can cause problems if ingested in large quantities. It also has anti-bacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties which prevent infection. You just need to watch the amount you give them - too much and they could become overweight. It may not hurt them, but I doubt it will help them, and given all that we don't know about it, I wouldn't risk it with mine. I don't think I'd give it to them orally. The author of this website is a passionate pet lover, and researcher. You can use coconut oil for them. Everyone knows how amazing coconut oil is for our health, but you might be wondering if its also amazing for our cute little guinea pigs! The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional veterinarian advice, diagnosis, or treatment. However, there is a great need to apply moderation when feeding your piggies mainly because of the high level of fat in coconuts. In guinea pigs, undiluted Cocos nucifera (coconut) oil was found to not be a sensitizer. Coconut oil is quite fatty and if ingested in large amounts can cause your guinea pig to become overweight or obese. I never feed coconut oil to my pigs but my one girl gets dry ears and irritated skin in the winter time. Do you rinse the coconut oil off? One reason for this belief is that coconut oil can cause gastrointestinal upset in some animals. The fatty acids in the coconut oil help to improve the absorption of nutrients and help to keep your guinea pigs skin healthy. You can then remove any excess fat with a soft cloth. The coconuts are grown in a USDA certified organic coconut farm. This will help your guinea pig to absorb all of the nutrients in their food and will also help them to stay hydrated. Guinea pigs like eating coconut meat as well. It can help to protect the pigs skin from environmental irritants. Coconut oil is a natural anti-inflammatory, so it can help to reduce inflammation in the body. Should I put Coconut Oil on my skinny pig? However, they love exploring new places and can get lost if care is not taken. fayetteville state basketball; Tags . Consult your veterinarian if you have concerns about using coconut oil on your guinea pig. Mineral oil is safe and effective for use in cleaning guinea pigs. Unlike many other harsh chemicals, topical application of this natural oil will not harm your guinea pigs delicate skin. Some say it is, while others warn against using this product on guinea pigs because of the risk of obesity and other health problems. It can help improve their coat condition, make their skin softer, and even help with weight loss. This is a condition where the guinea pig cannot pass out poop properly because of the weak anal muscles. Unlike many other harsh chemicals, topical application of this natural oil will not harm your guinea pig's delicate skin. . Coconuts are more common in tropical regions and have become a popular heritage of the tropics. Cavy Slave. This alone is pretty likely to prompt the question can guinea pigs eat coconut? Can guinea pigs be fed with coconut milk? I had a humidifier going on for months more so to help me since I get sinus infections really easy. It may also aid in the cleaning of blocked grease glands. In such a situation, you should not panic, you should first give him a larger amount of water so that the coconut can be digested more easily in their stomach. . It's so rewarding to help pets look and feel their best. Normally, its fine for guinea pigs to drink a small amount of coconut water. I have found posts on here saying that you can use it to moisturize their skin to help dryness, help heal cuts, and to clean out their grease gland. If you are using coconut oil for the first time, start with a small amount and increase gradually. As with any fresh food or supplement, it is always best to consult a veterinarian before starting. Find out more about the NEW, drastically improved site and forum! prevention of constipation again due to the fiber that coconut has, it prevents constipation in your pets. 6 Advice How to Eat, Can Guinea Pigs Eat Marijuana? To use coconut oil on your guinea pig, introduce it to their diet by mixing a small amount into their food. They will not harm your little piggies. It's so rewarding to help pets look and feel their best. The oil will lubricate ok if it's not the cold pressed kind, but you won't get the other benefits of it. Then let your pet lick the oil directly from your hand! If guinea pigs eat moderate amounts of coconut they can get really great nutrients that will improve their health.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'petsanimalsworld_com-leader-4','ezslot_12',686,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-petsanimalsworld_com-leader-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'petsanimalsworld_com-leader-4','ezslot_13',686,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-petsanimalsworld_com-leader-4-0_1');.leader-4-multi-686{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. In fact, it can actually help to soothe and protect their skin from further damage. We can therefore conclude that the harm outweighs the benefits if guinea pigs drink coconut water. too much sugar can cause diarrhea and other problems in guinea pigs, as well as possible diabetes. It is essential to use a pure, unrefined oil and massage it thoroughly into the skin. Coconuts are best given as treats and not as a staple food source. I'm not sure why it didn't occur to me earlier that it would be just as fabulous for guinea pigs and pets as it is for people. General Guinea pigs and coconut oil. Many notable biologists and scientific researchers have developed variable promulgations to justify each side of, Read More Are Guinea Pigs Rodents?Continue, Given the continued popularity of these small fuzzy critters as pets for many families, its critical to keep them comfortable and safe at all times. Coconut oil is good for the skin and fur of guinea pigs, offering hydration and reduction of dry skin. I think it's the cold pressed quality of the coconut oil that's important. However, coconuts contain a fair share of vitamins like ascorbic acids, B6; and minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, selenium and copper. I've always been an animal lover, and I've worked in the pet industry. . Coconut oil is perfectly fine to use on hairless guinea pigs as well! I also enjoy doing things outdoors, like hiking and camping. In addition, Vaseline can make it difficult for your guinea pig to regulate its body temperature, which can lead to health issues like heat stroke. Why do you put Coconut Oil on guinea pigs? Coconut oil is also a natural antibacterial and antifungal agent, which can help treat minor illnesses or infections. Coconut oil is an incredibly versatile and natural product that can offer a wide range of benefits for guinea pigs. Coconut oil can help soothe dry or irritated patches on your guinea pigs skin. Adding Coconut Oil to your guinea pigs diet is easy and can significantly impact their overall health. We will talk about, Read More How To Play With Guinea PigsContinue, Guinea pigs are known for displaying a variety of behaviors while eating, breathing, and drinking. . 3 Reasons Why Wired Ethernet is Better Than Wi-Fi. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and potentially other amazon region websites. Male guinea pigs have a scent gland or grease gland above the tail. A little bit of oil goes a long way so dont overdo it! Side effects of using coconut oil on your skin. After all, as with humans, moderate amounts can only bring benefits, while eating too much coconut can cause health problems. Joined Jul 14, 2015 . Instead, you can get a healthy chewing toy for them. Ensure that you massage properly. No. By rubbing it gently on affected dry patches of skin and hair, youll be able to help your guinea pig feel more comfortable while also encouraging the growth of new, healthy skin and fur. As for coconuts, the fleshy part known as coconut meat has a high fiber content which enables smooth movement of food materials in the digestive system preventing constipation. But we cant forget our hairless friends either. Read Our Medical Disclaimer. Coconut oil also has antibacterial and antifungal properties, which could benefit guinea pigs. Joined Jan 27, 2010 Messages 18,878 Reaction score 10,549 Points 2,155 Location Herts. The fatty acids present in coconut are lauric acid, myristic acid and palmitic acid. Some guinea pig breeds are just not comfortable with ear cleaning. The saturated high-fat content of coconuts is a notable disadvantage which makes them quite unhealthy for the heart. It's hydrating, yes. Copyright 2000 - 2023, Guinea Pig Cages. Start by putting a small amount on a cotton ball. All You Need To Know. In addition, coconuts provide protection to the body against harmful microbes like bacteria, viruses and fungi. The bedroom is the heart of any romantic relationship and no bedroom should be without sound. Yes, coconut oil is safe for guinea pigs if its given properly. Maintain hygiene by regularly cleaning and grooming your guinea pigs. Final Thoughts: Can Guinea Pigs Eat Coconut? We are grateful and encourage you to explore the site for topics related to guinea pig keeping as a pet. The only thing to watch out for is the quantities, they should always be moderate. This will allow your guinea pigs body to adjust to the new oil. I'm currently a pet groomer, and I love it. If you decide to use this product, do so sparingly and only in areas your pet cannot reach with its mouth. Any wax or stains can be removed by the mineral oil. What distinguishing features do guinea pigs share with other rodents? The whole CAT rating system can get pretty confusing so bear with me here. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. How to properly use coconut oil in guinea pigs? Do you want to clean your guinea pig and wonder if mineral oil is safe for guinea pigs or not? It is also worth noting that there is no evidence that coconut oil offers any benefits for guinea pigs, so it is unnecessary to use it on them. For more information on bonding guinea pigs, . Overall, coconut oil is a safe and effective way to treat many skin problems in guinea pigs. Given the lack of scientific evidence, it is best to err on the side of caution and avoid using coconut oil on guinea pigs altogether. I've always been an animal lover, and I've worked in the pet industry. But for maintaining guinea pig hygiene, you can consider it for cleaning ears and bottom site. Youve used coconut oil to clean your guinea pigs grease glands. Is coconut oil safe for guinea pigs skin? All content is therefore for informational purposes only. Your pet will more than likely be cross with you at this point! 4.1 The Potassium Level of Coconut Flesh Is Too High. 3.1 Enhances the Gut Health; 3.2 Strengthen the Immune System; 4 Risks Of Overfeeding Coconut Flesh To Guinea Pigs. Or just apply and leave it on? Lastly, coconut, when is given in moderation, offers good benefits for guinea pigs, so be careful with the amount. If youre concerned about the health of your pet you should seek medical advice from a vet. Just take some coconut oil on your hands and massage the skin of your furry pet. Too much of this oil can cause them to become overweight or even sick. He said: "Thinking about how I have to rub out my guinea pig with coconut oil every 3 weeks because she has dry skin." And he's not lying. Bottom line, everyone should have at least an 8oz jar of good VCO Coconut Oil in their home for their pets as well as themselves! Yes, guinea pigs can eat dry coconut in moderation.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'petsanimalsworld_com-mobile-leaderboard-1','ezslot_14',698,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-petsanimalsworld_com-mobile-leaderboard-1-0'); Dry coconut is similar to coconut chips so two pieces are just enough for your guinea pigs. June 11, 2022 Posted by: when was arthur miller born . Coconuts are very well received and enjoyed by cavies but if you decide to feed them make sure the shell is removed because swallowing it can lead to choking or GI obstruction. In this way, the overall immunological function of the body is enhanced. Virgin coconut oil is the best type of coconut oil to use for guinea pigs, as it has not been subjected to the same high temperatures and processing that can damage the nutrients in the oil. Contents. Guinea pigs need plenty of fatty acids in their diet to stay healthy, so many owners wonder if Vaseline is a good source of these fats. If their skin does become dry, you can use a tiny bit of natural moisturizer, like coconut oil, on it, but never use any lotions designed for humans. I make sure to take good care of all the animals that come into my life. Massage a small amount of the oil onto the injured area to help heal minor cuts and scrapes. [What Owners Should Expect]. Why Does Your Guinea Pig Rock Back and Forth? Can guinea pigs eat coconut? Additionally, because guinea pigs are small animals with delicate systems, it is possible that even a tiny amount of coconut oil could cause problems. Is coconut oil safe for guinea pigs' skin? Carrington Farms brand. Can I use Coconut Oil to clean my guinea pigs ears? Coconuts are safe for guinea pigs and free of any sort of harmful toxins. Guinea pigs can consume coconut water as it is full of electrolytes. weight gain because coconut contains a lot of fat, if guinea pigs eat coconut often, be sure to gain weight. This special Coconut Oil is made from the purest, fresh organically grown coconuts. It should never be used as food. Coconut has no toxins, so make sure the guinea pigs enjoy the benefits of this dessert for them.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'petsanimalsworld_com-netboard-1','ezslot_21',684,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-petsanimalsworld_com-netboard-1-0'); read more: Can Guinea Pigs Eat Endive? It is only used for cleaning ears and removing the impacted mass of dropping from the cavys bottom. Its safe, effective, and relatively inexpensive. Register for free to enjoy the full benefits. Guinea pig fights can lead to skinny pigs being more injured because of their lack of coat. oil is an essential part of a guinea pigs, guinea pig is initially resistant to eating food with Coconut Oil. Jenny and I had the pleasure of meeting the ladies who run this Coconut Oil business in the Philippines at the trade show we attended recently. Guinea pigs can be fed coconut milk once a month.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'petsanimalsworld_com-netboard-2','ezslot_22',696,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-petsanimalsworld_com-netboard-2-0'); Yes, guinea pigs can eat coconut chips to improve their nutrition and health benefits. JavaScript is disabled. ) Coconut oil was found by the CIR as nonirritating to rabbit skin. Get it today to clean your guinea pig ears and bottom. Yes, guinea pigs can feed freely with coconut milk, as it is actually a coconut fruit in liquid form. It keeps the pet happy and free from infections. You can also look for them online on Amazon or your preferred drug store. Why bother with a cheap phone when you can get a good smartphone camera for a reasonable price? Just apply very lightly and leave on, but if your pig has mites (which are under their skin) then this won't do any good at all. All guinea pig owners want to provide their animals with the best, Read More 5 Best Guinea Pig Cages For Small SpacesContinue, There are many different types of small animal beddings and litter available in pet shops today, but not all of them are safe. To clean your guinea pigs bottom, proceed as follows: You can buy mineral oil for guinea pigs in nearby stores. is coconut oil safe for guinea pigs skin. Although most guinea pigs will want to eat coconuts, it may be that your guinea pig refuses to eat these fruits. Gently massage the oil into the glands until they are clean. Register for free to enjoy the full benefits. But this should not disappoint you because there are a number of different types of food that guinea pigs will surely want to eat. Avoiding anything with additives is a must as well, as these can also be harmful to your guinea pig. Yes, Coconut is highly favored by the guinea pigs and they look forward to nibbling on coconut flesh. And I was wondering what to use to moisturize his skin. You must log in or register to reply here. The worlds largest producer of coconuts is Indonesia. Its also a safer option than using harsh chemicals or cleaners. You can find it in most health food stores. Cagetopia C&C Cages, Stands, Covers, Kitchens, Lofts, Grids, Coro, Midwest Add-ons & more. You must be wondering sometimes, what about coconuts? It may not display this or other websites correctly. You might be interested in Can Guinea Pigs Eat Coconut? The importance of using coconut oil on guinea pigs cannot be overstated. But I am wondering if it is safe for them to eat. Various pet grooming regimens usually contain a modest amount of coconut oil and those for guinea pigs are definitely not an exception. Antioxidants are responsible for reducing oxidative stress by scavenging free radicals in the body. Fungal infections - VCO Coconut Oil has anti-fungal properties AND it is very soothing when applied AND it is not toxic to your guinea pig. A poop attached to the skin or near the anal region can start to smell and attract disease-causing pathogens. You sound like me, its a wonder I haven't tried that. Most people know that coconut oil is excellent for cooking, but many dont know that it can also be used on guinea pigs as a natural moisturizer. strengthening the immune system primarily due to the presence of antioxidants, which in addition to strengthening the immune system, also help fight free radicals, and reduce the chances of cancer in guinea pigs.